Take Action

North by Northwest LD28 Democratic Party

Because Democracy Starts in OUR Neighborhood

Volunteer - Organize - Turnout - Educate


Join us as a Volunteer

As we prepare for the upcoming election cycle, we are  interested in talking with you.  Everyone has specific interests, talents and skills that can benefit the organization and help accomplish our mission of electing Democrats to public office who embrace the values of the Democratic Party.

Join as a Precinct

Committee Person (PC)

Advantages of Being a PC

  • Have access to more information about issues and policy than is found in mainstream media.
  • Gain insight into what is really going on inside the Party and the government.
  • Get to know your elected officials and candidates on a personal basis and give them feedback.
  • Make your voice heard more effectively than just being a registered voter.
  • Participate in the decision-making process in the Party.
  • Vote for the leadership of the Party at all levels: precinct, LD, county, state, and national.
  • Belong to a social network at precinct, LD, county, and state levels with people who share your values and beliefs.
  • Meet new, like-minded friends in your neighborhood and become an active, integral part of it.
  • Gain experience to prepare you for greater responsibility within the Party in the future.
  • Become an elected official!
  • As a future candidate for elected office, gain visibility and network with current elected officials.
  • Opportunities to be appointed to local, county, or state Boards and Commissions.
  • Knowledge about the mechanics of a campaign and the election process.
  • Support from the Democratic Party to run for office in the future.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Stay informed about local and national issues and candidates and share ideas.
  • Attend your district monthly meetings.
  • Attend all MCDP County Conventions.
  • Attend training sessions to improve skills and effectiveness as a PC.
  • Help gather signatures and collect clean election $5 donations to support our candidates.
  • Support whoever is the nominee of the Democratic Party after the primary.
  • Respect all other PC’s and candidates. We are all in this together as Democrats.
  • Educate voters in your precinct about the Democratic Party, its nominees, and issues. Help make sure your neighbors are registered and will vote.
  • Build relationships with Democrats in your precinct by door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, and/or organizing informational gatherings for candidates, issues, or values.
  • Find precinct volunteers to assist with Democratic Party activities like canvassing, phone banking, informational gatherings, and social media networking.
  • Sign up voters in your precinct for the Active Early Voting List (AEVL).
  • Help GOTV (Get Out the Vote) when ballots are mailed and on Election Day
  • Support the Party financially in a meaningful way to you.
  •  Support from the Democratic Party to run for office in the future.

If you have an event that you would like LD28 to include on our Event calendar, please select the 'SHARE MY EVENT' button to submit your request.

Share your Events in our Calendar

Your event information will be sent to LD28 for review and you will be notified shortly if it has been approved and added to our calendar, thank you for your submission.




Join our mailing list to learn about our meetings and stay up to date with all events.


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Request to Speak

Have you ever heard of Request to Speak (RTS)?


RTS is a way to make your voice heard on pending legislation right from the comfort of your own computer. RTS is an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers feedback on bills that are introduced during the legislative session.  It’s an easy way to get involved in state politics, stay informed on the bills that directly affect us and make sure our elected officials honor the wishes of their constituents.


You do not actually have to “speak”.  You can do all of this without leaving home.  LEARN MORE


Click here to watch a video about RTS


Download this flowchart - How to Kill a Bill










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